Saturday, June 25, 2011

Modern Medicine in a Nutshell

The Town of Allopath

I have often spoken about how deficient modern medicine's approach is to disease and health.  How healthcare and disease "control" has resulted in a monster money-making industry whose survival/growth depends upon people being sick.

Well, nothing so simply and directly brings across the innate issues of our current medical industry like the following video.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The SWEET Side of Cancer

When I was first diagnosed with cancer, I asked my oncologist what I should do differently nutrition-wise to help manage this disease. He said, "Nothing."

You hear so much about carcinogens in food that I was shocked by his response.  There was nothing I needed to change?  "No," he replied, "You can eat just as you did before, simply remember try to eat healthy of course."

Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather when I later learned that sugar feeds cancer.

Although my doctors were telling me to eat just as I always had, the literature I was reading in my own research was telling me something very different.