Going forward, all journal updates (with links to pictures & descriptions) may be found here.
Black Salve On-line Journal
(Click the days below to see the journal entry)
Making the Decision to Use Black Salve
Why I made the decision
Day 1
My experience in first applying the Black Salve.
Day 1 Results
Results from my first application of Black Salve on the skin cancer tumor.
Day 2 Results
Results from 2nd application of Black Salve on the skin cancer tumor.
Day 3 Results
Results from 3rd application of Black Salve on the skin cancer tumor. One change is that the tumor which had been deep in my breast has now risen to just underneath the surface of my skin.
Day 4/5 Results
No longer applying Black Salve, I am keeping the tumor site clean while the salve works to kill the cancer cells.
Day 6 Results
Added a detox regimen which helped greatly to reduce flu-like systems and inflammation at the tumor site. Simply waiting for the tumor to continue drying/hardening into a scab so that my body can expel it.
Day 13 Results
The eschar has dried up significantly, shrinking and flattening from its original appearance. It has also started to separate from the surrounding skin as my body begins to expel it.
Day 22 Results
I was bumped into and the eschar started to separate prematurely; it is barely hanging on. Underneath, you can see that there is still signs of cancer which need to be addressed.
Day 23 Results
The eschar came off completely. Good news: The tumor which was on top of my skin is gone!!! Bad news: The scab was not ready to come off. Perhaps because it was not ready to come off, there is a lot of "white" in the exposed tissue, which I am told is indicative of more cancer. I apply another round of black salve to the exposed tissue to kill of those cells.
Day 24 Results
Results of 24 hour application of black salve on the excavated tumor site.
Day 25 Results
I tried a 2nd application of Black Salve after 24 hours of the first, but the burning sensation was too intense. I took that off and decided to let what had already been applied work. The new eschar is already starting to form.
Day 27 Results
The scab is continuing to dry out, and I am continuing to keep it cleaned while waiting for my body to expel the new eschar.
Day 28/29 Results
The eschar is continuing to dry and seems to be b4ecoming more concave. It is also starting to separate from the sides of my skin.
Day 32 Results
Noticed that the appearance of the eschar changed when I started using Bandaids versus the gauze, maybe because it was getting too dry before since I wasn't using tape with the gauze. More pus is coming out as a result and the eschar seems to be getting bigger while continuing to separate from the sides of my skin.
Day 35 Results
Going well! Eschar is continuing to separate and the tumor in the breast iis now visible as the shape of it shows just underneath the skin. s stated earlier, this tumor had been deep in the tissue, but was pulled to just underneath the skin by the previous applications of black salve.
Day 37 Results
The eschar is still separating and the exposed tissue so far is PINK!!! Yea!!!! I am excited to see no residual signs of cancer so far, but expect that there is more where the tumor exists under my skin and the eschar is still attached. I am also seeing acne-like flare-ups in my skin on other parts of my body which I believe is resulting from my use of the internal black salve capsules.
Day 42 Results
I accidently split the eschar, but it continues to dry, harden, and separate. There is white behind the eschar where the tumor is, but that too has started to dry and harden. A new, bigger eschar seems to be forming behind the existing one.
Day 45 Results
The new eschar has formed with the pre-existing one into one scab, which has separated very nicely from the skin on the right side. That exposed skin on the right is very pink and healthy, which has me pleased as punch! The exposed tumor on the left has turned from white to dark brown and needs to dry more before that part of the eschar will separate.
Day 49 Results
Round 3 begins!!! The latest eschar fell off last night and as expected, the left side - which is where the tumor is under the skin - is white (indicating cancer present) and the other side is pink (looking healthy). I have applied a third round of black salve to continue removing this tumor.
Day 50 Results
While I didn't need pain meds for the first 24 hours, I did take some the following night to address some shooting pains I was having. Otherwise, all is well. The eschar is starting to form, particularly over the area where the tumor is.
Day 54 Results
Perhaps I shouldn't be, but I am simply amazed at watching the black salve work. As before, the eschar became more concave so as to draw out more of the tumor, but a few days later, it came back towards the surface of my skin as it started to harden more. More interestly however, the eschar has started to separate in a way that gives me an amazing view of the tumor itself. The contrast between the bumpy, white tumor in the hole of my flesh and my smooth, pink healthy tissue is almost unreal. It is almost hard to comprehend that I am actually looking down into the very tumor which has been troubling me for the past year and a half. I continue to be amazed and ever thankful to my Savior, Jesus Christ for leading me on this journey.
Day 55 Results
Pondering some of my options here as the part of the opening where the skin cancer was eliminated is healing agressively, leaving a much smaller opening for me to treat the internal tumor.
Day 56 Results
Hello PAIN! I think I am finally seeing the pain that others using black salve have described. The 3rd round eschar fell off last night and the pain was intense when I applied more black salve. I am continuing the treatment, but also examining why the pain scale has shot through the roof with this most recent black salve application.
Day 58 Results
4th round eschar continues to dry, harden, and shrink. The pain has subsided. I speak a little more about pain management and what I am doing to mitigate any pain. I also reference the story of Dr. Lois March who had her medical license terminated for providing pain meds to women using black salve to treat breast cancer. The tumor itself seems to be substantially decreasing in size; it is less than half the size it was 2 months ago.
Day 63 Results
Things are going well. Still letting the eschar do its thing. Also trying some new approaches to black salve use which has been shared with me by other women using black salve to treat breast cancer.
Day 64 Results
Crinkle, crinkle. Anyone for chips?
Day 69 Results
Once bitten, twice shy. I apply a 5th round of black salve because I accidentally knocked off much of the eschar during cleaning. This time, I take pain meds ahead of time to ward off some of the pain.
Day 71 Results
New pain and lots of continued soreness. Otherwise, the eschar is fully intact and continues to dry & harden.
Day 74 Results
I am starting to have second thoughts about keeping the eschar area moist. Doing so seems to make it more sensitive, trickier to manage, and take longer to fall off.
Day 77 Results
"Will you be made whole?" Yes, Lord! Continuing to monitor the current eschar and going back to my original approach from the beginning.
Day 80 Results
The latest eschar has fallen off and all seems to be going well.
Day 82 Results
Hmmmm....I may have to change the name of the black salve journal. Click this day's update to understand why.
Day 86 Results
So much of the visible surface of the tumor has been removed with using baking soda that I can no longer see the tumor's surface. The opening which had provided immediate access to the tumor surface is now a hole through which visibility of the tumor is limited. Therefore, I decided to apply more black salve in order to continue drawing the tumor closer to the opening.
Day 90 Results
Today I decided to bite the bullet and place more black salve directly on the skin over the tumor, which should essentially creat a new opening in my skin. A big step for me, but one I take with full faith in Jesus that He continues to guide me along this path.
Day 91 Results
The latest black salve application is working and I continue to see confirmations from the Lord regarding the numerous ways there are to treat and cure cancer naturally. I also talk a bit about what it "feels" like to use the black salve...apart from the pain.
Day 92 Results
Woke up this morning unable to move my arm because of soreness. I have been ignoring the signs that I have been too active, but I have to admit that this healing process is serious. I have been pushing forward with no change in my daily schedule, but I understand that changes are necessary in order to rpomote healing.
Day 94 Results
I applied anotehr round of black salve to the new area in an attempt to draw out more cancer.
Day 105 Results
"Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives." This is what it has felt like the past week as I waited (somewhat anxiously) to see some progress with the black salve in the new area. Yet, God never fails.
Day 110 Results
Another round of black salve applied after the current eschar fell off.
Day 116 Results
Bye Bye Cancer. Can't say I'll miss ya.
Day 134 Results
Let the healing begin!
Check back for updates as I continue to document my use of the product.
Just looked at your day 116 results - ITS LOOKING GOOD! I'm so pleased for you right now! You really need to make a video once this is done and dusted! I'm praying for good results for you when you get your cancer marker test. x
ReplyDeleteHi I replied on your post long time ago and you replied, thank you for that. How are you now? I checked on you again to see if you have a new post regarding your cancer after using the black salve. I do have a question and would love to hear from you. I tried black salve last year and got a big chunk out but now that is healing, I realized that there is a hard mass on top of where the eschar was formed. I thought that it was normal muscle reaction because there was a big hole that needs to be replaced with new muscle. I have done the treatment last October, 2012 and it is June, 2013. It is harder and immovable almost like a rock. I am worried because I do not know what to do next. I hope you can give me ideas or even a suggestion what to do. I feel that sometimes what I am doing is useless and just give up. But, I think about my young family and would be encouraged again to continue fighting.
DeleteHi Cate,
DeleteI would hesitate to give advise about what to do, as I find that such decisions are very personal. I know that I didn't et all of the tumor during my first attempt at black salve and as a result, the tumor started growing again. So I am currently using it now to get the last bit.
There are non-toxic tests you can take to see if there is cancer still in your body. Here is one example: American Metabolic Labs. I know it can be disconcerting to see these types of changes in your body, but let's first see what you are dealing with. Is it cancer or is it scar tissue, or maybe something else altogether. If possible, see if you can find a medical professional to assist you. Here are some options: Types of Doctors
I have also started taking black salve internally to get at anything I am not able to reach externally. I get the internal salve from here: Indian Herb. I will likely continue takeing it for a while and then use it occassional as a preventive after that.
Yes, the struggle itself is enough to make you want to give up and get discouraged. However, you know that there is a purpose for your life and a reason you are still here. My family and children also give me much motivation, as well as seeing the Lord's hand on my life as well. The Lord could have taken you at any time, but He has not. Do not let the enemy steal your joy or your will to FIGHT! He has preserved us...even against all odds, when the learned doctors have predicted our deaths. If God be for us, the who I ask can be against us?
I am more than willing to chat with you further or offer more info or encouragement. We must be able to support each other in these times. :-) Just send me an email if you are interested.
Much love in Christ!
Hi Michele!
ReplyDeleteI agree!! I was thanking God this morning for the progress. I am just so shocked to see no white, bumpy tissue at all...even under where the last of the tumor is. There is still some scabbing, so it is possible that there is some left under there. Yet, it is very good news indeed.
I am also noticing that my breast tissue is returning more to normal. While I still have a small tumor (which I believe is likely benign at this point), my breast is becoming more full and feels more like my other breast (which never had cancer). Where the whole thing used to be pretty hard and stiff because of the large tumor, it is now more pliable and full around the tumor. I never would have thought that normal tissue would fill in to replace what the tumor previously held (which is what it seems to be doing).
So, I am in a really good place right now. No pain, no discomfort, and no sign of cancer. Yippee!!!! LOL
Hi Mia,
ReplyDeleteHaven't heard from you for quite a while - any updates? Hope all's well x Michele x
Hi Michele,
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to have seemed to disappeared in thin air. I justgot pretty busy towards the end of last year til now and haven't been able to follow-up.
Yes, I am doing fine! I didn't have the tumor marker tests yet (again, because I got so busy), but will be doing that in the next month. I still have the remnants of that tumor, but am feeling good! I am still on my regular regimen of internal enzymes, apricot seeds, and such. How are things going with you?
So many of my family members have been diagnosed with cancer over the past six months that it is truly alarming. I just pray that they each seek God on what to do for as we know the advise of doctors is not the only option.
Hi again, haven't heard from you for so long, hope everything's going well for you and yours?
DeleteWell, I've used the salve a couple more times on my tumour, but I still haven't managed to get it all out just yet. I'm giving the salve a rest now for a while due to pain issues. I'm feeling fine though, even doing karate so that says it all really. Ok, so I still have a tumour, but I've been told that there's a possibility itmight be dead now, although I'm doubtful. That being said, if it is, it will eventually break down and be excreted by my body.Main thing is that I'm well I'd say? The tumour is only a fraction of the size it grew to after they biopsied it. (which means I now have no boob, but hey, they only get in the way anyway lol)
Anyway, I'll try and remember to pop back here every now and again for updates. What did the tumour marker tests say? I'm assuming you finally got them done? LOL
I personally haven't bothered because it doesn't worry me now like it used to. If I have to live with it then I have to live with it, not a problem if I'm healthy.
Would be nice to eventually be cancer free though, but considering I first found the lump when I was 17 and I'm now 46, it's obviously slow growing. I've read in so many places that slow growing cancers often take much longer to cure.
I just know I did the right thing when I refused 'treatment' at hospital. Imagine what chemo would have done to my body if my regular cells had been faster growing than my cancer cells? (which is highly likely) Chemo only targets fast growing cells. A worrying thought.
take care,
DeleteIt is so good to hear from you, and there is much we need to catch-up on. I never did get the cancer tumor markers last year. As mentioned in the journal, eventually the black salve stopped reacting to my skin and - after several applications - I believed it to be a sign that the cancer was gone (although a small portion of the tumor remained. This of course was fine with me.
Over time though, the tumor started to get bigger again. I once more applied the black salve, but it still was not reacting and didn't seem to identify any cancer. I don't know how true this is, but another breast cancer survivor who was doing the salve around the same time we were stated that your body can stop reacting to the black salve over time; kind of like an immunity to it. I wondered if this was the case for me? Maybe I had not gotten rid of all of the cancer (although the tumor was MUCH smaller)?
Well, I finally got tested this year and found out that the cancer is still there. Since then, I have been doing other natural treatments and having very good results. I will post more articles detailing my experiences in the next few weeks.
Yet, like you, I am amazed how strong, energetic, and healthy I "feel" and even look with the cancer still there. You would never know what I was dealing with just to see me (just as you seem to indicate). Cancer is not the death sentence many assume it to be. Nor is it mandatory to follow medical scare tactics about what will happen if you don't follow through with chemo or radiation. We didn't get sick overnight and perhaps we won't get healed overnight, but by George we will beat this! :-)
Lastly for now, here is another site you may want to check out of a young man who refused chemo and radiation, yet was able to beat his cancer naturally: Chris Beat Cancer. Lots of good info there.
Looking forward to chatting again soon!
I can not click on to read farther on each day??? what else did you do...diet supplement's etc .....Jane
ReplyDeleteHi Jane,
ReplyDeleteHave you tried clicking on the actual day? Each is a link and should take you to the journal entry. Please let me know if this doesn't work for you.
I followed through all of your postings.
ReplyDeleteThank you for helping ALL of the people who are embarking on this journey.
I have used the black salve on less threatening cancers... and have kept the scab carefully covered THICKLY with medicated vaseline ointment to keep air away from the scab.
The result was that after several days, the edges loosened up and the whole thing FELL OUT on the surface of the bandage and it looked like a big ugly whiteish cream colored squid... with long roots. UGLY as sin its self.
Whereupon the lesion healed perfectly, leaving NO scarring at all.
On the other hand, the leisons that I treated on my back were irritated by my bra, the bandages were pulled off by the friction, and the lesion was allowed to dry out several times.. the cancer was irradicated but I have nasty scars.
Just thought to add my experience...
Best to YOU... Nancy Vinal
Hi Nancy,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for adding your feedback. As you likely saw, I could not figure out the "right" way to use the salve and wound up trying several appropaches. I can certainly testify that it works, but I sure would have loved to get it all out in one fell swoop as you seemed to. :-)
One thing this journey has shown me is that there are lots of ways to tackle cancer. I pray that you remain cancer-free.
God Bless!
Thank you so much for the wonderful photo & word journal! It is very inspiring! Someone very close to me has just started the black salve for healing her body of cancer. I know it is painful for her but I am hoping that by sending her your story, she will be encouraged! Blessings!
ReplyDeleteHi April,
DeleteYou are most welcome. I shared these details mainly because I don't want others to feel they are going through this all alone.
I have to let you know that - while I thought I had gotten all of the cancer with the black salve - it appears that I did not. The black salve eradicated a tremendous amount of the tumor, but I stopped too early and did not get it all. One of my doctors knows of a woman who did get rid of all of her breast cancer with black salve, so it can get it all as long as you don't stop too soon.
I am still not sure why the black salve stopped interacting with the cancer in my breast (giving me the impression that all the cancer was gone). I don't know if my body built up immunity to it or what. Either way, I pray that your friend finds success and healing.
I am stilling dealing with the cancer to get rid of what remains, but honestly the Lord Jesus has given me amazing strength and peace during it all. No one would know I still have cancer just by looking at me. I cannot sing His praises enough for all that He has blessed me with during this trial. Every day is a blessin and a day to grow stronger, so please don't let your frend forget that.
God Bless!
Dear She-is-a-tree-of-life
ReplyDeletethank you so much for your online journal, I'm so glad I found it. I have ulcerated breast cancer and I'm considering black salve. The tumor is 5.0 x 4.8 x 2.7 cm, that means it is not a superficial skin cancer, but a big deep tissue tumor with an ulceration breaking through the skin. I was wondering about the size of your tumor, because I've read that black salve is mostly used on skin tumors.
Thank you so much for your help!
Dear Lissy,
DeleteI am so sorry for the delay. I have just been swamped and this blog has just gone lower on the priority list. What you describe is exactly what I had/have, although I do not know the specific size. Mine was in no way superficial.
The salve is mostly for superficial cancers because it can be quite painful to use it on tumors deep in the tissue (especially in tissue as sensitive as the breast).
While the salve worked wonderously on the part of the tumor showing through my skin, I had problems getting to the parts deeper in my breast (the opening in my breast to the tumor was pretty small). At one point (which is documented in my journal), the salve stopped interacting with the cancer deep in my tissue and I took that as a sign that I had gotten it all. In actuality, I had not. I think I was just having trouble getting the sale deep down to the area needed. So, long story short, the tumor started growing again after time becase I had not gotten it all.
I am still using salve now to get at the remaining tumor left I my breast (the part of the tumor which was outside of my breast is still gone. I am taking the salve internally (from here) and I am applying it still externally (from here). I just started doing that this summer. I take it internally to get at any other cancer cells that may be in my body.
There is so much more I could share, but I will sum it up by saying that the black salve definitely works. You just might have pain in the process and you must be thorough. I am happy to share more of what I have tried and am doing. Let's just say that the doctors are amazed at my progress even now, thinking for sure i would be on my death bed. However, I am far from that, "Praise the Lord!" Just send me an email if you want to discuss further.
God Bless and I will keep you in prayer.
Hi, I just have been looking around the web and saw your journal and was wondering how you are doing? I'd originally saw posts and videos on you tube about black salve and was curious...I hope all is well with you and the others in whom you've interacted with on here?
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteI am doing wonderfully! Thank you for asking. The Lord Jesus Christ is is merciful and good; He always works everything out for our good...although perhaps not always in our desired timeframe or via our preferred process. :-)
I have regretfully been neglecting this blog just due to other priorities, but I hope to start posting again more regularly.
May God Bless you!
hey Dear,
ReplyDeletei am going through the same path , using black salve on my 4 cm big tumor on my lesft breast and under my armpit to my 6 lypme nodes
my 5th day , burning alot , having high dose of pain killers esspecially at night
your blog gives me courage ,thanks alot
Dear Serra.
DeleteI am sorry to hear of your pain and your fight, but I pray that the Lord is with you through it all. That was some of the worse deep, burning pain I have ever experienced.
I didn't seem to mention it here, but I did in a follow-up blog post. I wound up not using the black salve to get all of the tumor. Mine was just too deep to be able to get it all (and at some point, the pain became to great). I got all that I could see, but there was still some cancer left in there.
I have been praying and working to get the remaining cancer taken care of, using a variety of techniques. My doctors were able to confirm just last week that the tumor is still shrinking, for which I am very thankful.
I have not written about this yet, but I have also used artemisinin as part of my regimen, and am alternating that with internal black salve. I get the internal black salve here: http://www.lifelinewater.com/herb.html. I have found it to be a much more gentle approach than applying the black salve externally. I take about a pea-sized amount twice a day with food. Maybe this would be an option for you to alternate with as part of pain management?
May God bless & keep you!
Hi, I tried to go to the link to make a new post but it was broken ?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I am a 6 year user of Black Salve and have treated well over 100 Skin Cancers successfully. In 2013 I treated a 'Microcystic Adexal Carcinoma' on my face. This a rare and quite nasty cancer also referred to as 'Sweat Gland Cancer'.
For anyone diagnosed or suffering from this or other skin cancers, please look at the Black Salve but use it carefully.
We made a Video of the entire process. Search Youtube for 'Adnexal gone' or go to the link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rYeTe4dUX8
I'd be happy to have this posted as a new topic :Microcystic Adnexal Carcinoma.
All the best to everyone on here.